This is a variation on a classic French pound cake, in which olive oil is used instead of butter for a light, fresh flavor. The cake is delicious on it's...
I haven't actually tried this recipe yet. It sounds like it would taste good, especially since the weather is still warm. I got it from a Family Circle...
This is without the lemon glaze for my daughter in law who doesn't like lemon. Either way its very good! This coffee cake is so good with the sweetness...
Blueberry Banana Muffins! It's blueberry season and what better way to make use of this luscious fruit than good old fashioned blueberry muffins with a...
Grew up eating mulberries on the farm and don't recall them ever being used in a recipe. We have a small tree in our yard here in the burbs and I love...
These babies are PURE HEAVEN and so very easy to make! The only problem is trying NOT to eat too many!! This recipe makes about 20, so plan on eating a...
We gave your favorite easy cinnamon roll recipe a whole new fall taste by adding in a couple of fresh apples. Our Apple Cinnamon Rolls make are such a...
This spread goes with my Hawaiian Muffins, or bagels, toast, or quick breads. Works well, as breakfast, dessert, or snack. Also, from my little muffin...
The basic recipe for this is on Pillsbury. This morning I decided it needed bumped up a notch. We all like cinnamon rolls but once in a while we love adding...
I don't know about you, but I like to enjoy smoothies in the morning as I get my day going in the Test Kitchen! And this recipe from Mary is a really good...
These Bars are so good I just had to find the recipe- and there it was on English). This is such a good recipe and I wanted...
I came up with this recipe because I didn't have a couple of things the original recipe asked for, so I improvised and the results were Amazing and Everyone...
This is my very own Starbucks-inspired Strawberry Blueberry Yogurt Parfait. For those who love to eat healthy, this is for you! Very healthy and yummy!...
Grab a cup of coffee and start your morning off right with these wonderful sweet-filled crescent rolls! The buttery, flaky crescent roll holds in a sweet...
This recipe was given to me by the daughter of a very old friend of my mother's- she was a very avid baker and a wonderful cook. Joan gave me many of her...
This is a wonderful thick smoothie to have in the morning. Healthful with flax, oatmeal and yogurt and flavored with cardamon for that extra zip. Pineapple...
Since I'm too scared to learn how to can all by myself, I have always stuck with and been very happy with the "freezer jam recipes and method". Someday...
Yes I did get the Ideal of rolling the bread flat and cream cheese filling, from a recipe I pinched.... but I have made it into my own for a breakfast...
This recipe is awesome. I made these for breakfast a few Easter's ago. I am being requested to make them again this Easter. They are delicious! can...
So I was going to make pancakes but then didn't feel like them. Then my fiance told me to make crepes. I was so excited that I already had the batter done...
I don't know about you, but I like to enjoy smoothies in the morning as I get my day going in the Test Kitchen! And this recipe from Mary is a really good...
This smoothie is a great on-the-go breakfast. I used frozen peaches when I tried this, and I can't wait to try other fruits. A tasty way to start your...
I found this recipe in an email from the Betty Crocker web site. I didn't have any spice cake mix so used a pumpkin one and added more spices. I made them...
We adored this delicious tart and sweet fruit topping. If cherry pie filling is typically too sweet for you, the cranberry sauce takes the sweetness down...